James Barker (he, they)
Screenwriter, Director, Producer
James currently resides in Jersey City, NJ, working mainly as a video editor and photographer. Identifying as a queer artist who is constantly discovering himself, James uses filmmaking as an intimate expression of themself and their place in the world. Inspired by filmmakers such as Derek Cianfrance, Claire Denis, and Terrence Malick, James is a lifelong cinephile who looks to tell honest and thrilling stories through grounded characters.
"Through a lifelong struggle with depression and suicidal ideation, I am strong advocate for mental heath awareness, especially for young people. In all of my projects, I am looking for the most empathetic and honest view of the human experience, showcasing the everlasting dichotomy we each struggle with every day.
Remnants of Nova was my reaction to my personal experiences with suicidal ideation and my time spent in a behavioral health center. Being able to see myself in these characters was not only creatively satisfying, but was an integral part of my internal healing process.
Filmmaking is the most powerful tool we have to connect, understand and empathize with people, especially those who are most different from you."